
Joan Hagar from the U.S. Geological Survey and I went out to the Dunn Forest purple martin colony last Friday to band this year’s nestlings. Each bird had a numbered, aluminum band attached to its left leg and a color band (red) attached to its right. Joan will submit these data to the USGS Bird [...]
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Dogs inhabit a world of olfactory sensations of which humans barely understand. So one of the first principles of detection dog training is that a dog is never corrected or punished for mistakes. That’s because the handler can never be too sure that the dog is actually wrong. Just because the handler can’t see whatever [...]
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I just returned from a trip to southeastern Oregon with ODFW wildlife biologists Tim Hiller and Scott Torland. We were there to pick up 17 trail cameras we placed in the high desert last November in an effort to detect kit foxes (Vulpes macrotis). The kit fox is the most elusive canid in the state [...]
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OWI was awarded a 5-year agreement to partner with the Interagency Special Status/Sensitive Species Program (ISSSSP). ISSSSP’s mission is the conservation and management of rare species in the Pacific Northwest, and is administered by the Regional Office of the U.S. Forest Service and Oregon/Washington State Office of the Bureau of Land Management. OWI will work [...]
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Staff ecologist Dan Rosenberg will be making a presentation to the Columbia Gorge Refuge Stewards on February 7, on the “Ecology and Conservation of Western Pond Turtles: Perspectives from South of the Columbia”. Check the Columbia Gorge Refuge Stewards’ web site for up to date information on time and location.
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