Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications
Summary: Horn, Robert B., and Jennifer A. Gervais. 2018. Landscape influence on the local distribution of western pond turtles. Ecosphere 9(7):e02346. 10.1002/ecs2.2346.
Keywords: abundance estimation, occupancy, surveys, Umpqua, western pond turtle, western pond turtles
Categories: All Publications, Peer Reviewed Publications
Summary: Rosenberg, Daniel K. 2019. A tale of two voles: the challenge of the commonness-rarity continuum in conservation planning. Forest Ecology and Management 434:165-171.
Keywords: commonness, red tree voles
Categories: All Publications, Peer Reviewed Publications
Summary: Halstead, B.J., P. Valcarcel, G. D Wylie, P. S. Coates, M. L. Casazza, and D. K. Rosenberg. 2016. Journal of Wildlife Management
Keywords: giant garter snakes, habitat selection
Categories: All Publications, Peer Reviewed Publications
Summary: Rosenberg, D. K., R. J. Davis, K. J. Van Norman, J. R. Dunk, E. D. Forsman, and R. D. Huff. 2016. Patterns of Red Tree Vole Distribution and Habitat Suitability: Implications for Surveys and Conservation Planning. Ecosphere 7(12):e01630. 10.1002/ecs2.1630.
Categories: All Publications, Peer Reviewed Publications
Summary: Haig, Susan M., Jesse D’Elia, Collin Eagles-Smith, Jeanne M. Fair, Jennifer Gervais, Garth Herring, James W. Rivers, and John H. Schulz. 2014. The persistent problem of lead poisoning in birds from ammunition and fishing tackle. Condor 116:408-428.
Keywords: birds, lead ammunition, lead fishing tackle, lead poisoning
Categories: All Publications, Peer Reviewed Publications
Summary: Ronan, N. A., and D. K. Rosenberg. 2014. Response of burrowing owls to experimental removal of satellite burrows. Journal of Wildlife Management 78:1115-1119.
Keywords: burrowing owl, Rosenberg
Categories: All Publications, Peer Reviewed Publications
Summary: Haley, K.L. and D.K. Rosenberg. 2013. Influence of food limitation on reproductive performance of burrowing owls. Journal of Raptor Research 47:365-376.
Keywords: burrowing owl, species at risk, threatened species
Categories: All Publications, Peer Reviewed Publications
Summary: Catlin, D. H. and D. K. Rosenberg. 2014. Association of sex, fledging date, and sibling relationships with post-fledging movements of Burrowing Owls in a non-migratory population in the Imperial Valley, California. Journal of Raptor Research 48:106-117.
Categories: All Publications, Peer Reviewed Publications
Summary: Rosenberg, D. K. 2013. (Book review) Boreal Owl: A 40-year study of predator and prey. Ecology 94:2113-2114.
Keywords: Rosenberg
Categories: All Publications, Peer Reviewed Publications
Summary: Hagar, J.C., B. N. Eskelson, P.K. Haggerty, and D.G. Vesely. 2014. Modeling marbled murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus) habitat using LIDAR-derived canopy data. Wildlife Society Bulletin 38:237-249
Keywords: bird, David Vesely, forest management, habitat use estimation, threatened species
Categories: All Publications, Peer Reviewed Publications
Selected Project Reports
Summary: Gervais, Jennifer. 2017. Unpublished report to the Interagency Special Status and Sensitive Species Program, USDA Forest Service Region 6, Oregon and Washington, and USDI Bureau of Land Management, Oregon and Washington. Oregon Wildlife Institute, Corvallis, OR.
Keywords: conservation, conservation assessment, Corynorhinus townsendii, management, management planning, Townsend's big-eared bat
Categories: All Publications, Selected Project Reports
Summary: Gervais, J. A. 2017. Unpublished report to the Interagency Special Status and Sensitive Species Program, USDA Forest Service Region 6, Oregon and Washington, and USDI Bureau of Land Management, Oregon and Washington. Oregon Wildlife Institute, Corvallis, OR.
Keywords: conservation assessment, fringed myotis, Myotis thysanodes
Categories: All Publications, Selected Project Reports
Summary: Gervais, Jennifer. 2016. Conservation Assessment for the Pygmy Rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis) in Oregon and Washington. Unpublished report to the Interagency Special Status and Sensitive Species Program, USDA Forest Service Region 6, Oregon and Washington, and USDI Bureau of Land Management, Oregon and Washington. Oregon Wildlife Institute, Corvallis, Oregon.
Keywords: Jennifer Gervais, pygmy rabbit
Categories: All Publications, Selected Project Reports
Summary: Gervais, Jennifer. 2016. Conservation Assessment for the Pallid Bat (Antrozous pallidus) in Oregon and Washington. Unpublished report for the Interagency Special Status/Sensitive Species Program, USDA Forest Service Region 6, Oregon and Washington, and USDI Bureau of Land Management, Oregon and Washington. Oregon Wildlife Institute, Corvallis, Oregon.
Keywords: bats, Jennifer Gervais, pallid bat
Categories: All Publications, Selected Project Reports
Summary: Gervais, Jennifer. 2016. Conservation Assessment for the Spotted Bat (Euderma maculatum) in Oregon and Washington. Unpublished report to the Interagency Special Status/Sensitive Species Program, USDA Forest Service Region 6, Oregon and Washington, USDI Bureau of Land Management, Oregon and Washington. Oregon Wildlife Institute, Corvallis, Oregon.
Keywords: bats, conservation assessment, pallid bat
Categories: All Publications, Selected Project Reports
Summary: Vesely, David. 2015. Conservation Assessment of the Kit Fox in Southeast Oregon. Submitted to BLM/USFS Interagency Special Status and Sensitive Species Program. Oregon Wildlife Institute, Corvallis, Or.
Keywords: conservation assessment, kit fox, mammals, Northern Basin and Range
Categories: Selected Project Reports
Summary: Gervais, Jennifer A. 2015. Unpublished report to the Interagency Special Status and Sensitive Species Program, USDA Forest Service Region 6, Oregon and Washington, and USDI Bureau of Land Management, Oregon and Washington. Oregon Wildlife Institute, Corvallis, Oregon
Keywords: conservation, conservation assessment, pygmy shrew
Categories: All Publications, Selected Project Reports
Summary: Gervais, Jennifer A. 2015. Unpublished report to the Interagency Special Status and Sensitive Species Program, USDA Forest Service Region 6 and USDI Bureau of Land Management, Portland, OR. Oregon Wildlife Institute, Corvallis, OR.
Keywords: conservation assessment, conservation planning, management planning, red-tailed chipmunk, Sensitive Species
Categories: Selected Project Reports
Summary: Vesely, David. 2013. Conserving purple martins in OSU’s McDonald-Dunn Forest: final project report. Oregon Wildlife Institute, Corvallis, OR.
Keywords: bird conservation, purple martin, Willamette Valley
Categories: Selected Project Reports
Summary: Rosenberg, Daniel K. Status of and potential recovery options for Oregon spotted frogs in the Willamette Valley.
Keywords: Oregon spotted frogs, Rosenberg, Willamette Valley
Categories: All Publications, Selected Project Reports